Home / References / ZVÚ Strojírny – Czechia – water tank insulation for brewery


ZVÚ Strojírny, Czechia
– water tank insulation for brewery (2016)

In some of its projects, ZVÚ STROJÍRNY uses ADITIZOL BASIC as a replacement for conventional insulation (PUR foam, mineral wool). The photo shows a water tank that was delivered to a brewery abroad. The tank is located outdoors and the aim of the application was to ensure that the desired water temperature in the tank is maintained all year round, i.e. that the water does not overheat from sunlight in summer and cool down in winter. Project implementation 2016.


Result after application:

  • stability of insulation and protective properties,
  • protection from direct sunlight,
  • ensuring a reduction in the amount of thermal energy entering the tank,
  • ensuring and maintaining the temperature regime,